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StartseiteCareers SectionApprenticeships and Dual StudiesDistiller
A male Jägermeister distiller in a factory


As a Distiller, you have many different tasks: Weighing herbs, determining alcohol quantities and sugar content and monitoring production processes.


Apprenticeships have a long tradition in our company and are highly valued. During the apprenticeship to become a Distiller, natural sciences, craftsmanship, sensory skills and creativity come together. From the various high-quality raw materials you create unique taste compositions. In order for our customers to enjoy the finished Jägermeister, there are some important tasks for which you are responsible. You will assist in weighing the herbs, as well as calculating alcohol quantities and sugar solutions. You will also be responsible for monitoring the production process and determining the acid content. You will gain extensive insights into the main areas of training in the production of the Jägermeister base, finished goods and the laboratory.


3 Years


Jägermeister base production, finished goods, laboratory

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